Cycle Data Hub


Stationary bicycle counters in combination with new techniques such as the 3D camera (as used on the fietsostrades F18 in Bornem) provide the numbers that tell if cycling infrastructure is adjusted and safe for its actual use or not. Or vice versa, the technology may trigger the required behaviour with digital signalisation or other tools.

Brief, the right technology can help us understand and encourage the behaviour and detect the needs of the cyclist.

Where the online Cycle Barometer is the digital platform for cycling data of the province of Antwerp, the Cycle Data Hub will be the international hub for different cycling data platforms.

On, everyone can find the different existing types of bicycle related data, how they can be used and how they can be shared, reused and enriched. One of the final purposes of the Cycle Data Hub is to map available bicycle data to integrate them in the larger framework of mobility data and of course Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS).

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